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AACMC meeting 22, 21 June 2023

The Australian Advisory Council on the Medicinal Use of Cannabis, Communiqué #22.


The Australian Advisory Council on the Medicinal Use of Cannabis (the Council) met for its 22nd and final meeting in Melbourne on Wednesday 21 June 2023. The Council represents professional organisations and specialist areas of the medical profession and patient groups.

Guest speaker

Dr John Teh MBBS, Medical Director, Cannabinoid Clinician and Clinical Educator of PlantMed, presented on his experience in the prescribing of medicinal cannabis both in children and more broadly.

Council Discussion

Adj Professor Robyn Langham Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Chief Medical Advisor, spoke to a presentation on global medicinal cannabis regulation as was detailed a recent Journal of Cannabis Research (2022) 4:33, Medical cannabis regulation: an overview of models around the world with emphasis on the Brazilian scenario.

Council considered how the regulation of medicinal cannabis internationally ranges from access to registered cannabis-based products only, through to regulation at state level within countries, or exempted from specific regulatory authorisations.

Members noted the achievements of the Council and delivery of objectives under the Council’s Terms of Reference. With the completion of the final tenure of the AACMC, the Council also discussed the establishment of an Expert Working Group (EWG) on medicinal cannabis to provide advice on all aspects of medicinal cannabis regulation and patient access issues.

Members considered potential initial focus areas for the EWG, once established.

Regulatory updates

The Council received regulatory updates from the Office of Drug Control (ODC) and the TGA.

Next meeting

The initial meeting of the new EWG will be held later in the second half of 2023 following its establishment.

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