MCEWG, Meeting 1, 17 April 2024
The Medicinal Cannabis Expert Working Group (MCEWG) met for its first meeting in Melbourne on Wednesday 17 April 2024. The MCEWG represents specialist areas of the medical profession, also including consumer and industry groups.
MCEWG discussion
The MCEWG received updates from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Office of Drug Control (ODC) including key issues faced.
The Special Access Section, TGA provided an update on the number of applications received for unapproved medicinal cannabis products under the Special Access Scheme (SAS) and Authorised Prescriber scheme.
The Manufacturing Quality Branch, TGA presented quality standards for medicinal cannabis including quality requirements for medicinal cannabis products, manufacturing, quality control and recent updates to TGO93.
The ODC, provided an overview of the ODC, including licences and permits that authorise domestic cultivation, production and manufacture of medicinal cannabis, Australian cannabis production and stock, ODC monitoring and compliance, ODC’s role in the regulation of vapes, and the transformation of ODC’s digital systems.
A member who is a Specialist General Practitioner discussed prescribing of Category 5 medicinal cannabis products.
Each member provided an update on key issues for their stakeholders.
The MCEWG members considered items for inclusion in a forward workplan including:
- Category 5 medicinal cannabis products prescribing data
- Clinical indications for medicinal cannabis.
- Alternative legislative pathways
- Enforcement
- Compounding of flower
- Advertising
Next meeting
The next MCEWG meeting will be held in July 2024.