3.1 Importing requirements for drugs – Cannabis and Cannabis seeds
The importation of narcotic drugs, which includes cannabis and seeds, are prohibited unless the person holds a licence and permit to import under the Customs Regulations, administered by the Office of Drug Control (ODC).
To import cannabis seeds or cannabis genetic material you need from ODC:
- a cannabis licence and a permit under the Act
- an import licence and a permit under the Customs Regulations.
You may apply for an import licence and permit at any time; however, the import permit will not be issued until you have obtained the cannabis permit under the Act.
The import permit not only authorises and enables border clearance in Australia, but is normally required by the overseas Federal Level National Authority before they will consider granting export permission. The licence holder should discuss these requirements with the nominated exporter. Please note that failure to obtain the appropriate overseas export approvals may result in cancellation of an import licence.
Details for obtaining import permission can be found on the ODC website www.odc.gov.au under the Importers, Exporters and Travellers sections.
3.2 Biosecurity clearances – botanic material
The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry administers a separate import regime for biosecurity purposes. States and territories have regulatory requirements around the distribution of imported materials.
Of most significance to potential cannabis genetics importers is the biosecurity requirement for all foreign plant genetics being brought into Australia for that material to be free of disease and/or infection. The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry provides advice on importation requirements for cannabis genetics and seeds on that Department's Biosecurity import conditions system.
For cannabis tissue culture for example, the plants are required to be grown in closed quarantine for a minimum of 3 months for visual screening and pathogen testing. For cannabis seeds, there are a range of pre-and post-border processes that can be undertaken which result in swifter processing.
It is important that the cannabis licensee is compliant with Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry requirements for biosecurity.
Note: A biosecurity import permit does not satisfy the requirements of the Customs Regulations to import and cannot be used by overseas Federal Level National Authorities to issue export permission; you must also obtain a licence and permit to import under the Customs Regulations (see section 3.1).