1. Application type |
Specify the calendar YEAR of the proposed import/export activity
You must specify the calendar year of the proposed import/export activities for which this application applies. If no date is specified, the licence will be issued for the year the application was made.
Licence to Import
Check the boxes to indicate whether the application is for a new or renewal of an import licence.
Licence to Export
Check the boxes to indicate whether the application is for a new or renewal of an import licence.
2. Applicant details - Primary Licence Holder |
Applicant's name
State the name of the person making the application.
Position held in company
Describe the position held by the applicant in the company/business you work for.
Mobile number, direct phone number, contact email
Provide full contact details of the applicant.
3. Corporate information |
Name of company/organisation
Provide the full name of the company/business name that will be the licence holder.
State the Australian Business or Company Number
Primary email address
Provide the email address for all critical correspondence from NCS – ideally a mailbox that can be accessed by all authorised contacts.
Company identification No
RENEWAL APPLICATIONS ONLY - Provide the company identification number issued by NCS. This number can be found on your current licence.
Current licence No/s
RENEWAL APPLICATIONS ONLY - Provide your current licence number(s) issued by NCS. There will be a different licence number for your import licence and export licence. This number can be found on your current licence.
Street address
This should be the physical address of the establishment that the licence holder is employed by.
Postal address
The address to which correspondence in relation to this licence should be sent.
Reason for import/export
State the purpose(s) for which the controlled substances are required, for example: manufacture of finished products, sale of raw materials to other manufacturing companies, sale of finished products, sale of diagnostic kits, sale of laboratory standards.
4. Australian shipping agents or customs agents |
State the name, address and the service provided by those companies acting as customs or shipping agents. Under ‘service provided’ you should state whether the agent prepares paperwork, collects goods from the Australian Border Force or does both.
5. State/territory licence(s) held |
Attach a scanned copy of the relevant licenses issued to the licence holder under state or territory drugs and poisons regulations and (if required) evidence that the licence has been renewed or renewal is in process. Typically, these will be licenses to possess, use or distribute Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons Schedule 4, Schedule 8 and Schedule 9 drugs in accordance with State/Territory legislation. Show the full name of each such licence, the licence number and the period of its validity.
6. Storage and security |
Provide details of the premises where controlled substances will be stored, used at or supplied from. The security of the premises must be suitable for the substances and the quantities that the applicant will be importing.
If you are a commercial importer or exporter* you should indicate the date on which your last security report was provided to this office and the date of the last inspection of security by officers of your state/territory health department.
*Commercial importers or exporters are considered to be all establishments except pharmacies importing /exporting small consignments of drugs for individual medical use, or universities or research institutes using small amounts of controlled substances for research purposes
If there have been changes to your operations since your last security report, such as increased quantities of substances being stored, or a wider range of controlled substances being stored, a new independent assessment should be provided.
Provide details of the transport security measures for each class of drugs (S4, S8, S9) and indicate who will be undertaking the transportation of the drugs.
Provide details of all losses and/or thefts of controlled substances from any company premises (including nil response where applicable). Please include:
- the substance name;
- the amount lost or stolen;
- the storage address where the loss or theft occurred; and
- the date on which the loss or theft occurred.
If the loss or theft was investigated please indicate the outcome and any resulting modifications to security procedures.
7. Proposed authorised contacts |
The licence holder may nominate person(s) to submit and discuss import or export permit applications on their behalf. The licence holder should state the full name and position held for each person to act as an authorised contact.
Each person nominated in this section must complete and sign Schedule 2: Personal details of proposed authorised contact.
8. Declaration and Consent |
Make sure you read and understand the declaration and consent. Sign the application form. Complete the contact details of the person signing the form. The form must be signed by the proposed licence holder.
Schedule 1 - Personal details of the applicant |
The applicant is required to complete and sign Schedule 1.
A digital/scanned copy of a National Police Certificate (NPC) must be included for the primary licence holder and all authorised contacts. The NPC must be less than 12 months old. ODC is now accepting NPC’s from third party providers.
Schedule 2 - Personal details of proposed authorised contact |
Each person nominated as a proposed authorised person must complete and sign Schedule 2.
A digital/scanned copy of a National Police Certificate (NPC) must be included for the primary licence holder and all authorised contacts. The NPC must be less than 12 months old. ODC is now accepting NPC’s from third party providers.
Schedule 3 - Proposed import activity |
This information assists NCS in establishing estimates for Australia’s licit drug requirements as required under United Nations agreements. The information also allows NCS to check that importers hold appropriate state / territory licences for drugs that they intend to import in the calendar year. This reduces delays when permit applications are lodged. The information provided does not authorise the import of any quantity of drug by a licensed importer.
International quotas are a relevant consideration when issuing permits for the import of specific consignments.
Complete Schedule 3 if you intend to import controlled substances by entering full details for every type of controlled substance to be imported.
List only those substances that you intend to import directly from overseas. If you wish to use any other Australian company to import the controlled substances for you, do not list these substances in Schedule 3. In this case, your annual requirement for import of these substances should be included in the import licence application submitted by the company that will import these goods for you.
Schedule 4 - Proposed export activity |
This information assists NCS in establishing estimates for Australia’s licit drug requirements as required under United Nations agreements. This reduces delays when permit applications are lodged. The information provided does not authorise the export of any quantity of drug by a licensed exporter. International quotas are a relevant consideration when issuing permits for the export of specific consignments.
Complete Schedule 4 if you intend to export controlled substances by entering full details for every type of controlled substance to be exported.
List only those substances that you intend to export directly from overseas. If you wish to use any other Australian company to export the controlled substances for you, do not list these substances in Schedule 4. In this case, your annual requirement for export of these substances should be included in the export licence application submitted by the company that will export these goods for you.
Checklist (applicant to complete) |
Complete the checklist to confirm that you have completed all relevant parts of the form.