This section of the application seeks details about the location(s) where authorised activities will take place and the security measures that will be implemented.
Applicants must have control of the premises at the proposed location, with the ability to construct, fit out, and maintain buildings and security as required. This control may be achieved through ownership of the proposed premises, a lease, or some other kind of arrangement.
A guideline covering security of medicinal cannabis is provided on the ODC website and should be read before completing this section.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a legal right to access the locations nominated for authorised activities.
Site details summary
Site(s) for licence activities
Where the applicant is applying to conduct authorised activities at more than one premises, the applicant must provide information for each premises.
To add a site press “+ Add site”. A new page will appear titled “Site Details”.
Site details
Physical or street address where the proposed activities will take place.
If the address is known
Use the search bar (under “Search for an address”) or type the address details in. If using this option, “Address line 1”, “Suburb/Town/City”, “State”, “Postcode” and “Country” are all mandatory fields.
If there is no physical address yet for the location
For example, where the proposed site is known but an address has not yet been gazetted. Tick the box “The physical address is not available”. If using this option, the latitude and longitude geographic co-ordinates are mandatory fields.
The total area of the land at the address (m2) (mandatory)
Provide here the total area of the parcel of land in metres squared. This should be the area of the land as recorded on the registered title (or proposed title) to that land.
Total secured area for the proposed licensed premises (m2) (mandatory)
Provide here the total area that will be secured (i.e. controlled) in metres squared.
Government zoning (mandatory)
Provide here the state or territory government zoning of the land for land use.
The applicant must advise the government zoning for the land at the proposed site. This is to ensure that the proposed site is in a zoned area that allows the intended activities to be conducted.
Does the applicant own the proposed licensed premises? (mandatory)
Answer “yes” or “no”
If “yes”
Use the “+ Add” button to upload files that document the applicant’s ownership of the premises.
Formal evidence of ownership must be provided (mandatory). This can be in the form of a deed of ownership, certificate of title, rates notice, etc. The documents must name the applicant as the owner.
If “no”
Is the proposed licensed premises leased by the applicant? (mandatory)
Answer either “yes” or “no”
If answering “yes”
The lessor must be aware of the proposed activities at the site.
- Provide the details of the landlord. At a minimum the landlord’s family name and address must be provided.
- Answer “yes” or “no” to the question “Is the landlord aware of the proposed activities that will take place on the land?” (mandatory)
- Upload a copy of the lease agreement (mandatory). This document must list the applicant as lessee and the person named as the lessor. It must also detail the terms of the lease, including length and compensation.
If answering “no”
- A text box will appear. Here provide details of the arrangement in place that gives the applicant the legal right to use or occupy the address where authorised activities are proposed. Include details of whether the applicant has the right to construct, maintain, and exclusively use facilities at the location.
- Upload at least one form of documentary evidence of the arrangement, such as a signed agreement between the owner of the land and the application.
Authorised persons for this site
Certain persons in positions of authority will be listed on the licence, if granted. These people are known as “authorised persons”. In this section, you are asked to provide the full name of anyone who holds one of the following positions:
- A manager or supervisor in direct control of activities authorised by the licence.
- Any person responsible for controlling on a daily basis activities authorised by the licence
This does not include staff who perform the activities, for example a cultivation assistant, if they will be acting under the instruction of an authorised person.
Authorised persons are responsible for ensuring a licence holder complies with its obligations under the Narcotic Drugs Act and could be personally be subject to enforcement action if serious non-compliance is detected.
The details of at least one individual must be given. The person must already be listed as someone associated with the applicant in the Client Account. See Manage a Client account for details on how to add a new user to the account.
To add a person press “+ Add person”. A text box titled “Authorised person” will appear. Select the person to be listed from the drop-down menu.
For each individual added, two questions will be asked:
- Will this person hold a managerial or supervisory position that will have direct control over the activities authorised by the licence at this particular site? (mandatory).
- Will this person be responsible for controlling on a daily basis the activities authorised by the licence at this particular site? (mandatory).
Answer either “yes” or “no” to each as applicable.
After adding a person their name will appear in a list on the application. If you need to delete the person or edit the details, press the “…” button and select from the list of options.
Press “Exit” to return to the “Site details summary” page without saving. Press “Continue” to proceed.
Authorised activities
There are three main activities that may be authorised under a medicinal cannabis licence:
- cultivation
- production, and
- manufacture.
An applicant may apply to undertake one, or more, of these activities. Often cultivation and production activities are applied for, and granted, together.
It is possible to apply at a later stage, should the licence be granted, for the licence to authorise additional activities, by making a licence variation application.
Details of the authorised activities to be conducted at each premises must be provided.
Cultivation of a cannabis plant includes sowing seed, grafting, dividing (including creating cuttings or tissue culture), planting, growing, tending, nurturing, or harvesting a plant.
It does not include separating from the rest of the plant:
- cannabis resin, or
- flowering tops and/or fruiting tops (collectively referred to as “cannabis”)
Production is the act of separating the flowering or fruiting tops from the rest of the plant or separating the cannabis resin from the plant via mechanical processes such as sieving.
It does not include steps under the definition of cultivation or manufacture. For example, extraction of cannabis resin using solvents (for example ethanol or CO2) is a manufacture step.
Manufacture means all other processes, not covered by production, by which a cannabis drug can be obtained. For example, using solvents such as CO2 or ethanol to create an extract. It also includes refinement of a cannabis drug and transformation of a cannabis drug into another drug.
It does not include steps under the definition of cultivation or production.
At this site, the applicant intends to conduct:
Cultivation Answer “yes” or “no” (mandatory)
Production Answer “yes” or “no” (mandatory)
Manufacture Answer “yes” or “no” (mandatory)
If answering “yes” to either conducting “cultivation” and/or “production” activities please advise (all mandatory):
- The THC and/or THCA content of cannabis materials to be used in the proposed licensed activities. Answer either:
- “Will not exceed 1% w/w THC or equivalent THCA” (i.e. only low THC), OR
- “May on occasion, or will always, contain 1% w/w or greater THC or equivalent THCA” (i.e. high THC and low THC OR only high THC)
- Where will the cannabis plants be cultivated? Answer either:
- Indoor only, OR
- Outdoor only, OR
- Both indoors and outdoors
- Cannabis cultivation area. Provide the area, in metres squared, for indoor, outdoor and total cultivation areas (as applicable). If not cultivating both indoors and outdoors,
- Proposed cultivation and production activities. Describe the cultivation and production activities that the applicant intends to undertake in the text box provided.
If proposing to cultivate using tissue culture, provide details of:
- the intended tissue extraction and culturing methods.
- the room/areas in which tissue culture activities will be conducted.
- the security specifications and access controls in place for the room/areas in which tissue culture activities will be conducted.
- the standard operating procedures for conducting activities using tissue culture and related record keeping.
- Proposed supply of cultivated cannabis plants, cannabis or cannabis resin. Detail who any cannabis plants (including cuttings, tissue culture etc), cannabis (i.e. fruiting or flowering cannabis tops) or cannabis resin (produced via mechanical methods) will be supplied to and for what purpose. Include detail of the checks that will be undertaken to ensure these products are only supplied to someone who can lawfully receive them.
If answering “yes” to conducting manufacture activities, please advise (all mandatory):
- Details of proposed manufacturing activities. Provide here a description of the manufacturing activities the applicant proposes to undertake. Include detail such at the method of extraction and whether any refinement or transformation from one drug into another (along with details of the method to be used) will be undertaken.
- Supply of the cannabis drug. Use this section to detail who any cannabis drug will be supplied to. Include detail such as if the product will be:
- used in medicinal or scientific research, clinical trials, in a finished medicinal product for human use (registered or unregistered per the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989) or used as a reference standard.
- supplied to a pharmacist in a public hospital or to a pharmacist to extemporaneously compound, or as a finished product, for supply in accordance with an approval or authority under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.
- Supplied to another manufacturer licensed for manufacture under the Narcotic Drugs Act or under part 3-3 of the Therapeutic Goods Act (i.e. a Australian based GMP licensed manufacturer).
- Exported.
- Include detail of the checks that will be undertaken to ensure the cannabis drug(s) will only be supplied to someone who can lawfully receive them.
Site suitability
Suitability of site location (mandatory)
Describe why you believe the proposed licensed premises is a suitable location to conduct authorised activities under the licence.
Some examples of issues the applicant should address in this section include:
- Suitability of the zoning for the land for the activities proposed.
- Details of any sensitive or vulnerable populations that may be in the vicinity, such as schools, businesses and other facilities.
- Is the site in a residential, rural or industrial area?
- Is there neighbouring properties? If so, how will the applicant ensure that the authorised activities being conducted under the licence will be shielded from neighbouring properties?
- Will there be dwellings located on the site?
- Is the location of the proposed site on a main road?
Are there any other businesses co-located at the proposed site? (mandatory)
Answer “yes” or “no”
If answering “yes” detail the measures (if any) that will be undertaken to separate the activities of each business (mandatory).
Include detail of the nature of the other business(es), any access control measures that will restrict access, security and other measures that will be used. You should also include detail on whether systems such as CCTV, security etc will be maintained separately from other business(es) onsite.
Apart from other businesses, are there any other activities that occur at the proposed site that are not related to the licence? (mandatory)
Answer “yes” or “no”
If answering “yes” provide details of the other activities that occur at the proposed site that are not related to the licence (mandatory).
Include detail such as the nature of the activities and what measures will be undertaken to mitigate any risks to the licensed activities.
Satellite image of proposed site (mandatory)
Upload a satellite image including a security overlay and the location of facilities/premises. The image should show existing infrastructure, dwellings, businesses and where activities unrelated to the licensed activities will take place. The image should also show neighbouring properties, dwellings and businesses.
Facilities at the proposed site (mandatory)
In the textbox provide details of which, if any existing infrastructure will be retained and provide details of any new infrastructure to be built. Include detail such as materials that will be used in building construction and how rooms will be used (e.g. Room 121 will be used for drying and bucking activities, Room 122 will be a staff lunchroom etc).
Are there any existing buildings on the proposed site? (mandatory)
Answer “yes”, “no” or “partial”
If answering “yes” or “partial” the following question will appear:
Will authorised activities take place in existing buildings? (mandatory)
Answer “yes” or “no”
Will buildings and facilities need to be constructed or fitted out should a licence be granted? (mandatory)
Answer “yes” or “no”
If answering “yes” upload one document that outlines the projected construction and/or fit out costs (mandatory)
Construction and fit out costs should be broken down, and detail estimated completion times
Does the applicant hold a State/Territory licence or authorisation to cultivate industrial hemp or manufacture narcotic drugs? (mandatory)
Answer “yes” or “no”
Answer “yes” even in the industrial hemp and/or licence to manufacture narcotic drugs is for another site.
If answering “yes” upload copies of all state/territory industrial hemp AND narcotic drug manufacture licences/authorisations (mandatory)
Do not upload copies of any licences/authorisations issued by the ODC or TGA in this section.
Site and floorplan
Site plan/s (mandatory)
A site plan must be uploaded here including the following information:
- Clear labelling.
- A legend.
- A scale.
- The boundaries of the proposed site including any fencing or physical barriers.
- All entrances, exits and points of access to the site, including gates.
- All buildings/structures that are or will be on the site, including fences, water tanks, sheds, awnings, trees, large shrubs etc.
- Areas where different authorised activities will take place. Including the location and dimensions of outdoor growing areas, if applicable.
- Security overlay, including placement of any external access controls and security equipment, such as CCTV camera or motion sensors.
- The location of other businesses or dwellings on the site.
- Areas where any unregulated activities will occur.
Floor plan/s (mandatory)
A floor plan of all buildings where authorised activities will take place should be uploaded here. The floor plan should include:
- Clear labelling.
- A legend.
- A security overlay, showing the location of all security measures such as CCTV cameras, security sensors (such as reed switched and motion sensors), and access controls.
- Entry and exit points to all rooms/areas, including internal/external doors and windows.
- Unique names for each room or area within each building or structure. Including the location of cultivation areas, drying areas, manufacture areas, areas where data is stored, vault(s), safe(s) and storage areas.
- Toilets and break rooms.
- Total area in m2 for each of the rooms and areas where authorised activities are proposed.
Security details
This section requires the applicant to answer questions about security, including detailing the measures that will be in place to ensure the physical security of cannabis plants, cannabis, cannabis resin or cannabis drugs that will be:
- in the applicant’s possession or control, or
- obtained, cultivated or produced, or manufactured under the licence.
As a minimum, security measures need to meet the expectations outlined in the Guideline: Security of Medicinal Cannabis.
External perimeter
The external perimeter comprises of the zone between the boundaries of the site (i.e. the perimeter of the parcel of land) and the first security barrier surrounding the facility.
Perimeter fencing or barrier (mandatory)
In this textbox provide detail the barriers within the external perimeter zone (including fencing, bollards or other physical barriers). Include detail such as:
- The material the barrier is constructed from.
- The height of the barrier.
For elements such as bollards, how far they will be spaced.
Do not include any security measures (such as vibration sensors) here.
Gates (mandatory)
In this textbox provide detail of any gates (and other entry mechanisms such as turnstiles, sallyports, boom gates etc) that allow access to the facilities through the external perimeter. Include detail such as:
- The material the entry point is constructed from.
- The height of the entry point.
Other equipment (mandatory)
In this textbox provide detail of any other external equipment that prevents, monitors or controls access to the site. This includes:
- Access control mechanisms - such as swipe cards, fobs, keyed locks etc used to restrict immediate access to the secure area.
- Security sensors - such as reed switches, motion/infra-red/vibration sensors etc.
- Monitoring – such as CCTV, guard patrols etc.
- Include here references to relevant policies/standard operating procedures. For example, “See Page 12, SOP1.112 – Security response for details on the response when an alarm is triggered”.
Secondary barriers
Secondary barriers are situated in the zone between the external perimeter and the facility entrance.
Construction of the facility or secondary barrier (mandatory)
In this textbox include details of the external construction of the facility (walls, roofing etc) and any other barriers in this zone (e.g. removable bollards in front of doors etc).
For example:
- The facility is made from 50MPa reinforced concrete blocks.
- 12 x 50cm high removable bollards are on the northside in front of the Colourbond steel roller door and spaced at 30 cm intervals.
External doors (mandatory)
In this textbox detail the number of external doors (including roller doors, fire exits etc) and the method used to secure them. Include detail of the location of the doors.
For example:
- 1 x front entrance door, northside, secured via magnetic locks
- 1 x roller door, northside, secured via magnetic and keyed locks
- 2 x fire doors, eastside, secured via self-latching lock with emergency bar release
- 2 x doors, westside, secured via restricted keyed locks
- 0 x doors, southside
Windows (mandatory)
In this text box detail the number of windows and how they are secured. Detail such as the window opening type (e.g. fixed, sliding, side hung inward etc) and the location on the building exterior should be included.
For example:
- 1 x fixed window, northside
- 2 x sliding windows, eastside, secured via fixed steel bars spaced at 5cm intervals
- 3 x sliding windows, westside, secured via keyed locks and fixed security screens
Tertiary barriers
The tertiary barriers are located inside the facility. In this section details must be provided of the measures that will be in place within the facility to ensure the security of cannabis materials.
Tertiary barriers, measures or equipment (mandatory)
In this text box detail the barriers, security measures and equipment that will be used inside the premises. This includes:
- The type, number, and location of security measures.
- Include items such as access control sensors, security sensors (e.g. reed switches, PIR sensors, etc).
- How access controls will be configured and monitored, including by who.
- Procedures that will be in place for visitors and contractors to move throughout the facility.
- Procedures in place in the event of a power outage.
- Any procedures and/or security measures that will be in place to detect, deter and prevent security breaches.
Storage security (mandatory)
In this text box provide details of security measures that will be in place for cannabis materials being stored. Include details of vault(s) and/or safe(s) as well as the containers used to store cannabis materials (such as locked bins etc).
What is the capacity of the vault or safes(m3)? (mandatory)
Enter as a figure (up to 10 digits) the total volume (in metres cubed) of all vault(s) and safe(s).
What is the maximum capacity of areas that will be used for cannabis waste (m3)? (mandatory)
Enter as a figure (up to 10 digits) the total volume (in metres cubed) of areas used to store cannabis waste.
Safety and security of supply, transportation and disposal
Safety and security measures for supply, delivery, and transportation (mandatory)
In this text box provide details of the procedures that will be in place to ensure the physical security of cannabis plants or cannabis drugs during supply, delivery, and transportation. Details of the following should be included:
- The procedure that will be followed to check the person ordering the cannabis material has the appropriate licences/approval.
- How and who will transport the cannabis material.
- How consignments will be packaged.
- What security/monitoring will be in place during transportation of consignments.
- How receipt of consignments will be confirmed.
Secure disposal or destruction arrangements (mandatory)
In this text box detail the arrangements to ensure secure destruction/disposal of cannabis plants or cannabis drugs.
Details that should be provided include:
- The method used for destruction.
- Where destruction will take place.
- Who is responsible for destruction/disposal.
- How destruction/disposal is verified and recorded.
Loss/theft mitigation
Loss includes cannabis material that cannot be located or that must be destroyed due to an unexpected event (e.g. contamination of cannabis material, deaths of plants due to disease or infestation).
Theft is where cannabis material has been taken without authority, or for an unlawful purpose.
Detection of loss and theft (mandatory)
In this text box, include details of how loss and theft will be detected. Include information such as:
- Procedures for monitoring access and security.
- Processes in place to detect theft by staff.
- Measures that will be taken to detect falsification and/or modification of records.
- How any loss or theft during transportation/supply will be detected.
- Processes for reconciling and auditing records related to cannabis materials.
Supporting documentation
Policy or standard operating procedure (mandatory)
Upload one policy or standard operating procedure that outlines the:
- Measures in place to prevent unauthorised access (both physical and electronic).
- Equipment used to prevent, monitor, detect and record unauthorised access.
- Measures used for physical security at the location.