Importing precursor chemicals or substances into Australia
Information for people who intend to import precursor chemicals or substances into Australia.
Precursor chemicals or substances require a licence and permit to import.
An import licence is valid for up to 12-24 months depending on the substance that is to be imported.
Permit details include the overseas exporter, substance and quantity that has been authorised for importation. A new permit is required for each shipment entering Australia and for each substance and/or preparation type.
To determine if the substance requires a licence/permit from the Office of Drug Control (ODC), visit our List of controlled substances.
If you are travelling to Australia with your personal medication, visit our Travellers page.
Local state and territory laws may have different requirements for importation or possession. You must ensure you comply with all relevant legal requirements (not just those specified here) before applying to import any controlled substance into Australia. See our Related authorities page.