We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025. Find out how to contact us during the holiday period.
Note: We are progressively migrating ODC forms into the portal. Please check if the form you need is in the portal before you download a manual version.
- To access the available forms for the ODC you need to start on the portal home page.
- In the ‘Choose Client Account’ section click on the dropdown arrow in the ‘Client Account’ field and select the Client Account name you want to start an ODC form for.
- Click on the Confirm selection button.
- A ‘Confirm selection’ confirmation window will open. Click on Confirm.
- Your Client Account selection will save and will now show in the top right hand corner of the page as the selected Client Account.
- Click on Get started in the ‘Services’ tile.
- The ‘Services’ page will open. Click on Apply in the ‘Office of Drug Control’ tile.
- The ‘Office of Drug Control’ page will open displaying the available forms. Click Apply on the form tile you want to commence.